Buying Dungeons and Dragons Minis (and other RPGs)
Plastic Miniatures Pre-Painted
Applies To :
Dungeons and Dragons (early 2000s - current)
Star War Miniatures Game (early 2000s)
Smaller than Human: | Cash $.10 | Credit $.15 |
Human Sized: | Cash $.25 | Credit $.35 |
Medium Size: | Cash $.50 | Credit $.75 |
Large Size: | Cash $1.00 | Credit $1.50 |
Very Large Figure (Dragons, Kraken, etc) % of GOB List | Cash 15% | Credit 20% |
This is for general tabletop, 25mm to 35mm figures as the human sized baseline
Examples of product for this pricing categoroy
1) D&D Collectible Miniature Game (early 2,000s to about 2010)
2) Wiz Kids licensed D&D Pre-Painted Minis. Icons of the Realms.
3) Star Wars Collectible Miniatures Game. (2004 - 2010)
4) Pre-painted minis from select Wiz Kids Licensed D&D board games.
Plastic Miniatures Unpainted
Applies to:
Dungeons and Dragons (Wiz Kids, Bones, Misc)
Decent to good quality board game minis
(fantasy, sci-fi, horror anime themed)
Human Sized *(1) | Cash $.20 | Credit $.30 |
Medium Sized | Cash $.30 | Credit $.45 |
Large Size | Cash $.65 | Credit $.90 |
Very Large Figure (Dragons, Kraken, etc) % of GOB List | Cash 15% | Credit 20% |
Examples of product for this pricing category
1) Wiz Kids licensed D&D unpainted minis.
2) Wiz Kids Licensed Pathfinder unpainted minis.
3) Wiz Kids non-licensed unpainted minis
4) Reaper Bones Miniatures (of high enough quality)
5) Gale-Force 9 Licensed D&D Minis
6) many different board game now include minis of
high enough quality for tabletop play. This
varies wildly. If suitable, GOB will buy these
minis in the appropriate themes. Acceptible
quality will be a judgment call on a case by
case basis.
*(1). GOB will not usually buy smaller than human sized unpainted plastic miniatures.
Metal Miniatures for Role-Playing Games
Applies to:
Older D&D Metal Minis
Metal Minis for other RPGs
Human Sized | Cash $.10 | Credit $.12 |
Medium Sized | Cash $.15 | Credit $.20 |
Examples of product for this pricing category
1) D&D metal minis. Ral Partha, Reaper. Multiple brands.
2) Metal minis specifically for other role-playing games
Some Examples:
Star Wars
Vampire the Masquerade
Call of Cthulhu
Gamma World
Very specifically, GOB is not buying old metal minis that were for any Table Top Miniatures Game, or any
historical figures. There is a role-playing game for nearly anything, but we can not buy older minis on
that basis. So only minis we can identify as specifically made for a role-playing brand.
As a general rule, GOB will not be buying larger than medium sized metal figures.