game store, hobby, strategy, board games, board, games, board game, magic the gathering,
rpg, role, playing, dungeons and dragons, warhammer, pokemon, trading card games, dice, comics, graphic novels, marvel, DC, trade paperbacks, back issues, subscriptions,
pull box, Clawson, Royal Oak, Troy, Madison Heights, Michigan  
Kids games, euro games, gae of the year, card games, miniatures, tabletop, table top,
game space, kickstarter games, cooperative games, new releases, train games, deck builder, deck building, board game rental, game nights, comics, graphic novels, manga, gundam, Funko, Pop Culture
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Bonus $10 / $20 for a referral friend.
New Arrivals
MTG: Aetherdrift Full Set

Save $$$ with Comic Collectors

Sealed Magic


board games, card games, euro games, strategy games, dice games, party games, family games
Puzzles, Family and Kids Board and Cards Games
Magic the Gathering, magic singles, booster packs, fat packs, intro decks, duel decks, trading card games
role-playing, rpg, pathfinder, dungeons and dragons, fate, savage worlds, star wars, warhammer, dark realms
figurins, warmachine, hordes, battletech, hero clix, historical, x-wing, attack wing, grunt, dystopian, heavy gear
walking dead, dc, marvel, dark horse, spider-man, batman, superman, green lantern, x-men, avengers, iron man
Comic Bundles
dice, dice bags, card sleeves, deck boxes, storage boxes, tokens, dice sets, game mats
comic supplies
Funko Pop Figures
Pop Culture Collectible
Toys and Educational
hex and counter, war games, GMT, Decision, Worthington, Guild of Blades, Avalon Hill, Axis and Allies, Risk, Titan
Osprey Books
fantasy, necklaces, bracelets, statues, decoratives
gaming, fiction, dungeons and dragons, world of darkness, star wars, shadowrun, battletech, Arkham Horror, netrunner

GOB Retail Games and Comics
775 E. 14 Mile Rd, Clawson, Mi 48017

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Board Games
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Comics & Trades
- Weekly New Comics
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- Comic Collectors Program

Magic TCG
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- Preorder Booster Boxes

- Sealed Pokemon
- Elite Trainer Boxes
- Booster Boxes
- All Pokemon Products
- Battle Decks

Dungeons and Dragons

- 40K Miniatures
- Citadel Paints & Supply
- D&D Painted Minis
- D&D Unpainted Minis

- Funko Pops
- Statues & Figures
- Gundam

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Stocked Last 7 Days

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GOB Private Game Room

Person of Interest

GOB Retail is located in Clawson, along the border between Oakland and Maccomb counties in the state of Michigan. A near northern suburb of Detroit. The store is in near proximity to the cities of Royal Oak, Warren, Hazel Park, Madison Heights, Troy, Sterling Heights, Ferndale, Detroit and Berkley and reasonable drive from numerouns other communities, including Southfield, Rochester Hills, Rochester, St. Clair Shores, Roseville, Auburn Hills, Bloomfield Township, Clinton Township, Shelby Township, Utica, East Pointe, Beverly Hills, Birmingham,Pontiac, Oak Park and Waterford. The store is just 1 mile east off of I-75, which makes it easily accessible from further out via connections with I-696, I-96 and M59.

GOB Retail carries all the major brands and likely a bunch you have never heard of as well. Here are just a few:

Wizards of the Coast, Axis & Allies, House on the Haunted Hill, Robo Rally    Fantasy Flight Games, Arkham Horror, Netrunner, Talisman, Star Wars X-Wing, Elder Sign, Elderitch Horror    Paizo, Pathfinder, Adventure Path, Flip-Mat    Steve Jackson Games, Gurps, Munchkin, Zombie Dice    Privateer Press, Warmachine, Hordes, High Command, Cygnar, Menoth, Cryx, Scyrah, Khador, Mercenaries, Minions, Convergence of Cyriss, Trollblood, Everblight, Orboros    Mage Knight, Heroclix, Attack Wing    Magic the Gathering, Commander, Standard, Modern, Legacy, Vintage, singles, Event Deck, Intro Deck, Fat Pack, Booster    Dominion, Rio Grande Games, Power Grid, Race For Tge Galaxy, Caylus, Lost Cities    Dunegons & Dragons, D&D, 1st edition, 2nd edition, 3rd edition, 3.5 edition, 4th edition, d&d Next    Settlers of Catan, Nuns on the Run, Empire Builder, Euro Rails    Pokemon Trading Card Game, Nintendo    Ticket to Ride, Small World, Relic Runners, Days of Wonder    Twilight Struggle, GMT Games, Dominant Species, Fading Glory, Clash of Monarchs, No Retreat, Washington    AEG, Alderac, Legend of the Five Rings, Smash Up, Love Letter    Zman Games, Terra Mystica, Carcassonne, Stone Age, Robinson Carusso    Asmodee Editions, City of Horrors, Timeline, Seasons, Mr. Jack    White Wolf, World of Darkness, Vampire, Mage, Hunter    Looney Labs, Fluxx, Chrononauts, Pyramids    Yu-Gi-Oh, Konami    dice, dice bag, game mat, figure case    Guild of Blades Publishing, Empires of History, Dark Realms, Heroes Forever, Grunt    Gamewright, Forbidden Desert, Forbidden Island, Story Cubes, Who Would Win    Titan, Space Cadets, Lost Temple, Core Worlds, Milestones, Survive    Card Sleeves, Deck Boxes    Card Sleeves, Deck Boxes, Deck Vaults, Play Mats    Queen Games, Kingdom Builder, Alhambra, Escape, Lancaster, Shogun    Decision Games, Folio    Worthington Games, Band of Brothers, Guns of August, Guns of Galicia, Hold the Line    Palladium Books, Rifts, Robotech    Illeo, King of Tokyo, Titanium Wars    Marvel, Avengers, Spider-man, Thor, X-Men, Wolverine, Iron Man    DC Comics, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern    Tasty Minstrel Games, Belfort, Eminent Domain, Ground Floor    Atlas Games, Gloom, Once Upon a Time    Game Salute    Eagle Games, Age of Steam, Defenders of the Realm, Through the Ages    Osprey Publishing, Historical, Books, Guides    Castle, DC Deck Building, Lord of the Rings    Japanime Games, Krosmaster Arena, Kanzume Goddess    Flash Point Fire Rescue, Resistance, Indie Board and Card    Zombicide    Fate, Spirit of the Century, Fate Dice    Call of Cthulhu, Chaosium    Dark Horse Comics    walking dead, IDW    Dream Pod 9, Heavy Gear    Hero Games, Champions, Hero System    Minion Games, Hegemonic, Manhattan Project    Ape Games, Advanced Primate, Order of the Stick, Duck Duck Go, Kill the Overlord    Twilight Creations, Zombies    Arcane Wonders, Mage Wars    Ares Games, War of the Ring    Plaid Hat Games, Mice & Mystics, Bioshock, Summoner Wars    Battletech, Classic Battletech, Iron Wind Metals, Catalyst Game Labs, Mech    Shadowrun, Catalyst Game Labs    Games Workshop, Space Marines, Orks, Tau Empire, Tyranids    Warhammer, 40k, Warhammer 40k, Blood Bowl, Age of Sigmar, Kill Team, Citadel   

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Clearance Offerings & Clearance Deal - In store.

Clearance Offerings & Clearance Deal - Funko, Board & Card Games, Graphic Novels, TCGs and more.

GOB expands its clearance offering on the Holidays. Plus, if you buy 2 or more clearance items, get an additional $2 off the marked clearance price for each item beyond the first (non accumulative). Board and card games, Funko Pops, trade paperbacks and scratch and dent books, some miniatures and other items. 3 clearance sections - look for the balloons!

In store Only. Stop by and get goodies today.

This Weekend's Specials

Sunday, Nov 26th is the Last day to get Extended GOB BLACK FRIDAY. 2X Reward Points and up to 4X, Free stuffs, 30% OFF Comic Keys.

What goodies just arrived for this week?

    - Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar Battleforces Boxed Sets have arrived. This is a great gift for new players or a way to expand on a faction that you already play!
    - GOB Best Sellers Board and Card Games - full stocks are available for the holidays.
    - Legos and Bricks building kits are now available in store.
    - Manga and Young readers' books
    - New & Used graphic novels
    - Daily put out Consignment board and card games.
    - Pokemon new set and older ones are in stock. Packs, boxes, Elite Trainers, Special Editions.
    - Magic the Gathering: full stocks. Commander decks, Sealed bundles, Packs, Boxes, plus Prerelease Kits.
    - Playmats, Deck Boxes, Sleeves, Binders for MTG: Lost Caverns of Ixalan and older sets.
    - D&D Exclusive Retail Editions are available.
    - New & used Role Playing games.
    - Back issues comics & Comic Keys.
    - Funko
    - New Dice trays / boxes.
    - Magic Singles.
    - D&D Minis
    - GOB Holiday Wishlist is available in store.

Please see the details below.

Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar Battleforces armies - Available Today.

Greetings Warhammer players,

A Quick note to all players. Battleforces for the holidays have arrived! This is a great gift for new players or a way to expand on a faction that you already play!

Available in store today.

Don't hesitate to get yours. Stop by today. During Small Business Saturday and Sunday, get 2X and up to 4X Reward Points, free gifts with your purchases in store.

Please see the Small Business Saturday and Sunday Specials below.

  • Double Reward Points:
  • For all purchases in store.

  • 30% Off Comic Key Issues Regularly Priced $25 or more.
  • Free stuff. Get goodies based on your Purchases.
    • - Buy $40 or more and get a free dice bag.

      - Buy $80 or more and get a free dice set (plus the dice bag)

      - Buy $120 or more and get a free board game rental (plus dice set & dice bag)

      - Buy $150 or more and get a free custom GOB tote (plus Board Game rental, dice set and dice bag)

      - Buy $225 or more and get a free custom GOB Metal D6
      (plus custom GOB tote, Board Game rental, dice set and dice bag)

      - Buy $400 or more and get a free all day rental of the GOB Private Game Room
      (plus custom GOB Metal D6, custom GOB tote, Board Game rental, Dice Set and Dice Bag)

      - Buy $600 or more and get all the above plus 4X GOB rewards on your total purchase!

  • Clearance Offerings & Clearance Deal
  • There are 3 clearance tables in the store. Plus, if you buy 2 or more clearance items, get an additional $2 off the marked clearance price for each item beyond the first (non accumulative). Board and card games, Funko Pops, trade paperbacks and scratch and dent books, some miniatures and other items. 3 clearance sections - look for the balloons!

Happy Holiday.

GOB Retail - Games, Comics and Pop Culture Collectibles.
775 E. 14 Mile Rd Clawson Mi 48017

Please share GOB Small Business 2023 with your gamers, comics, graphic novels and pop culture collectibles friends Thank you.

A free custom GOB Metal D6

A free custom GOB tote

A free all day rental of the GOB Private Game Room

A free board game rental

Don't miss GOB Small Business 2023, Saturday & Sunday.

Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar - New Releases and Restocks

    New Arrivals :

    Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum: Cadian Defence Force 47-42
    Warhammer 40k: Commemorative Series: Da Red Gobbos Surprise 50-61
    Warhammer 40K: Leagues of Votann: Defenders of the Ancestors 69-19
    Warhammer 40k: Orks: Beast Snagga Stampede 50-64
    Warhammer 40k: Space Marines: Spearhead Force 55-69
    Warhammer 40K: Tyranids: Onslaught Swarm 51-66
    Warhammer 40k: World Eaters: Exalted of the Red Angel 67-02
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Ossiarch Bonereapers: Battleforce: Praetorian Spearhead 94-44
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Seraphon: Battleforce: Primordial Starhost 88-43
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Slaves to Darkness: Battleforce: Warhorde of Eternus 83-99
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulblight Gravelords: Vengorian Court 91-46
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Animated Acid Breath
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Animated Fire Breath
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Azer Warriors
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Carrionettes
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Draconian Foot Soldier and Mage
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Draegloth
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Elf Wizards
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Ettercaps
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Flail Snail
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Human Rangers
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Loup Garou
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Reborn Paladin and Reborn Warlock
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Tiefling Warlocks
    Dungeons and Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Unpainted Minis Wave 22: Tlincalli
    Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts Unpainted Miniatures Wave 22: Lasher and Death Scout
    Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts Unpainted Miniatures Wave 22: Magma Scorpion
    Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts Unpainted Miniatures Wave 22: Plague Zombie and Skeletal Champion
    Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts Unpainted Miniatures Wave 22: Wood Giant

    Restocks :

    Blood Bowl: Vampire Team: The Drakfang Thirsters 202-36
    Citadel: Barbed Bracken 64-52
    Necromunda: Ash Waste Nomads: War Party 300-96
    Necromunda: Escher Death-Maidens and Wyld Runners 300-66
    Warhammer 40k: 10th Edition Codex: Space Marines HC 48-01
    Warhammer 40K: Adepta Sororitas: Aestred Thurga 52-36
    Warhammer 40K: Adepta Sororitas: Canoness 52-21
    Warhammer 40k: Adepta Sororitas: Celestine the Living Saint
    Warhammer 40K: Adepta Sororitas: Paragon Warsuits 52-34
    Warhammer 40K: Adeptus Custodes: Blade Champion 01-17
    Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum Chimera 47-07
    Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum Leman Russ Battle Tank 47-06
    Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum: Cadian Shock Troops 47-33
    Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum: Primaris Psyker 47-39
    Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum: Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 47-31
    Warhammer 40K: Black Templars: Emperors Champion 55-46
    Warhammer 40K: Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought 41-11
    Warhammer 40K: Blood Angels: Death Company Intercessors 41-22
    Warhammer 40K: Chaos Forgefiend 43-14
    Warhammer 40K: Combat Patrol: Blood Angels 41-25
    Warhammer 40K: Combat Patrol: Dark Angels 44-17
    Warhammer 40K: Combat Patrol: Death Guard 43-75
    Warhammer 40K: Dark Angels Primaris Upgrades 44-75
    Warhammer 40K: Dark Eldar Drukhari Scourges 45-16
    Warhammer 40K: Dark Eldar Talos Pain Engine 45-11
    Warhammer 40K: Death Guard: Deathshroud Bodyguard 43-50
    Warhammer 40K: Death Guard: Lord of Virulence 43-77
    Warhammer 40K: Death Guard: Scribbus Wretch 43-45
    Warhammer 40K: Ephrael Stern and Kyganil 40-50
    Warhammer 40k: Genestealer Cults: Achilles Ridgerunner 51-61
    Warhammer 40k: Genestealer Cults: Jackal Alphus 51-63
    Warhammer 40k: Genestealer Cults: Nexos 51-48
    Warhammer 40k: Genestealer Cults: Sanctus 51-49
    Warhammer 40k: Grey Knights Brotherhood Terminator Squad
    Warhammer 40K: Grey Knights: Castellan Crowe - 57-12
    Warhammer 40K: Imperial Knights: Knight Questoris 54-15
    Warhammer 40K: Kill Team: Farstalker Kinband 103-08
    Warhammer 40K: Kill Team: Hand of the Archon 103-26
    Warhammer 40K: Kill Team: Killzone Essentials 66-26
    Warhammer 40K: Leagues of Votann: Einhyr Hearthguard 69-04
    Warhammer 40K: Militarum Auxilla Bullgryns 47-14
    Warhammer 40k: Militarum Tempestus Scions
    Warhammer 40K: Munitorum Armoured Containers 64-98
    Warhammer 40K: Necron Overlord 49-20
    Warhammer 40K: Necrons: Chronomancer 49-45
    Warhammer 40K: Necrons: Lokhust Heavy Destroyer 49-28
    Warhammer 40K: Ork Meganobz 50-08
    Warhammer 40K: Ork Nobz 50-12
    Warhammer 40K: Orks: Mozrog Skragbad 50-55
    Warhammer 40K: Sector Mechanicus: Industrial Bases 66-95
    Warhammer 40K: Space Marine Venerable Dreadnought 48-32
    Warhammer 40K: Space Marine Vindicator 48-25
    Warhammer 40K: Space Marines Infernus Marines and Paint Set 60-11
    Warhammer 40K: Space Marines: Brutalis Dreadnaught 48-28
    Warhammer 40K: Space Marines: Captain in Gravis Armor 48-70
    Warhammer 40K: Space Marines: Captain Messinius 55-30
    Warhammer 40K: Space Marines: Jump Pack Intercessors 48-13
    Warhammer 40K: Space Marines: Primaris Repulsor Executioner 48-55
    Warhammer 40K: Space Marines: Sternguard Veteran Squad 48-49
    Warhammer 40K: Space Marines: Terminator Squad 48-90
    Warhammer 40k: Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought 53-12
    Warhammer 40K: Space Wolves: Ragnar Blackmane 53-30
    Warhammer 40K: Tyranids: Hormagaunts 51-17
    Warhammer 40K: Tyranids: Parasite of Mortrex 51-27
    Warhammer 40K: Ultimate Starter Set
    Warhammer 40K: World Eaters: Khorne Berzerkers 43-10
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Battletome: Daughters of Khaine 85-05
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch 83-45
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Battletome: Stormcast Eternals HC 96-01
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Blades of Khorne: Realmgore Ritualist 83-22
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Seraphon: Skinks 88-07
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry: Chaos Legionnaires 111-87
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry: Hunters of Huanchi 111-95
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry: Questor Soulsworn 111-99
    Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Awakened Wyldwood
    Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Gloomspite Gitz: Squig Hoppers 89-44
    Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Nighthaunt Grimghast Reapers 91-26
    Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Orruk Warclans Megaboss 89-26
    Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Seraphon: Aggradon Lancers 88-18
    Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Seraphon: Kroxigor 88-23
    Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Timeworn Ruins 64-87
    Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Vanguard: Kharadron Overlords 70-15

View Warhammer 40K

View Warhammer Age of Sigmar

View Citadel Inventory Online

Battletech Miniature Game @ GOB

View Battletech Inventory

Board and Card Games - Just Arrived.

View Board and Card Games Online

View Consignment Board and Card Games Online

All Dungeons and Dragons Editions - new, used, all releases, and supplemental

View All about D&D Inventory Online

View New & Used Role Playing

View Used Role Playing

Gaming Supplies

Cthulhu Hollow Metal D and D Dice Set (W/Case)
Folded Space: Box Insert: Gloomhaven
Retro Dragon Resin Box
Vortex Lab Dice Set (In TUBE or Plastic Cube)
Boulder Deck Case: Standard Size Return to Earth - Red (100+)
Sleeves: Dragon Shield: Matte Ivory: 100 Sleeves
Warpaints: Wargaming Starter Paint Set
Bamboo Dice Tower
Sapele Wood Skull Compass Hexagon Dice Box
Purple Heart Wood Hexagon Dice Box

View Gaming Supplies Inventory

Anime Plushies - New Arrivals

Attack on Titan Mikasa 18 Inch Plush
Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand 8.5in Plush
Demon Slayer Inosuke Hashibira Big Plush
Demon Slayer Sanemi Shinazugawa Big Plush
Dragon Ball Super Goku 01 Plush 8in
Dragon Ball Super SS Vegeta 01 Plush
Harry Potter Q-Pal Plush
Jujutsu Kaisen Mahito Big Plush

View Plush Online

Funko Pop Figures - Inventory Recent Arrivals

View Funko Inventory Online

Popular Pop Culture Series


View Online

May Hero Academia

View Online


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Attack on Titan

View Online

Dragon Ball

View Online


View Online


View Online


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View All Pop Culture

Pop Culture News Update :

Now you can view in-stock all Pop culture by Series on GOB website. Please visit the page link above.

Puzzles - New Arrivals

View Puzzles Online

GOB Best Sellers Past 30 days

View GOB Best Sellers Past 30 days

Top Memory Games

Play games and exercise your mental muscles and keep your brain buzzing with our top picks for the best memory board games and card games!

Great for children, adults and seniors.

View GOB Top Memory Games

GOB Best Sellers Family Games

View All GOB Best Sellers Family Games

Legos and Bricks Building Kits - Now Available @ GOB

New Legos and Bricks - Up on the Toys shelves in store @ GOB. Stop by and bring children to pick up their new set today.

View inventory Online here:

View Bricks New Arrivals

Wednesday is New Comic Book Day.

Wednesday new comics, graphic novels, manga, children books have arrived in the store. Plus, back issues, comic bundles, Funko new and pre-owned, Statues, Action Figures, Gundam and Model Kits and Pop culture Collectibles. Plus, now Wednesdays and Saturdays 2-9 pm are GOB's Buying Retro Action Figures, toys and collectibles days!

November Previews for GOB Pullbox

November Comic Previews Lists are available Today till November 22th

Get $$ Cash, GOB Store Credit

Get Cash with your comic long/short box collections. We buy 7 days a week. Cash or new games, new books for trade-ins the same day as you bring your no longer played games, no longer read books.

GOB's Buy Lists Online:

Quick Links for GOB Buy Lists

Comic New Releases - Nov 22th

Gunbreed no. 3 (2023 Series)
Hellicious no. 1 (2023 Series) (MR)
The Ribbon Queen no. 5 (2023 Series) (MR)
The Expanse: Dragon Tooth no. 7 (2023 Series)
Disney Villains: Hades no. 4 (2023 Series)
Bone Orchard Tenement no. 6 (2023 Series)
The Devil That Wears My Face no. 2 (2023 Series)
Harriet Tubman Demon Slayer no. 3 (2023 Series) (MR)
Rick and Morty no. 11 (2023 Series) (MR)
Ghosts on the Water no. 1 (2023 Series)
Carnage no. 1 (2023 Series)
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld no. 1 (2023 Series)

    New Comics :


    Avengers Inc. no. 3 (2023 Series)
    Captain Marvel no. 2 (2023 Series)
    Carnage no. 1 (2023 Series)
    Daredevil Black Armor no. 1 (2023 Series)
    Immortal X-Men no. 17 (2022 Series)
    Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld no. 1 (2023 Series)
    Moon Knight: City of the Dead no. 5 (2023 Series)
    Star Wars: Bounty Hunters no. 40 (2020 series)
    Star Wars: Dark Droids D-Squad no. 3 (2023 Series)
    The Incredible Hulk no. 6 (2023 Series)
    The Invincible Iron Man no. 12 (2022 Series)
    The Sensational She-Hulk no. 2 (2023 Series)
    Uncanny Spider-Man no. 4 (2023 Series)
    Wolverine no. 39 (2020 Series)

    Dark Horse Comics

    Black Hammer: The End no. 4 (2023 Series)
    Cyberpunk 2077 XOXO no. 2 (2023 Series)
    Killer Queens 2 no. 3 (2023 Series)
    Lunar Lodge no. 1 (2023 Series)
    Mortal Terror no. 1 (2023 Series)
    Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories no. 11 (2022 Series)

    Image Comics

    Bone Orchard Tenement no. 6 (2023 Series)
    Gunslinger Spawn no. 26 (2021 Series)
    Hack/Slash: Back to School no. 2 (2023 Series)
    Kaptara: Universal Truths no. 4 (2023 Series) (MR)
    Kill Your Darlings no. 3 (2023 Series) (MR)
    The Alternates no. 3 (2023 Series)
    The Holy Roller no. 1 (2023 Series)
    Universal Monsters Dracula no. 2 (2023 Series) (MR)
    Void Rivals no. 6 (2023 Series)


    Brynmore no. 5 (2023 Series)
    Dark Spaces Good Deeds no. 6 (2023 Series)
    Star Trek no. 14 (2022 Series)
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stranger Things Directors Cut no. 1 (2023 Series)
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin no. 3 (2020 Series) (2023 Reissue)

    Sigma Comics

    Here Comes Calico no. 7 (2023 Series) (MR)

    Scout Comics

    Catians no. 1 (2023 Series)
    Ghosts on the Water no. 1 (2023 Series)
    Lipstick Cliqa no. 1 (2023 Series)

    ONI Press

    Rick and Morty no. 11 (2023 Series) (MR)


    Bad Omens: Concrete Jungle no. 3 (2023 Series) (MR)
    Harriet Tubman Demon Slayer no. 3 (2023 Series) (MR)
    Hellicious no. 1 (2023 Series) (MR)
    The Plot Holes no. 4 (2023 Series) (MR)

    Mad Cave Studios

    Edenfrost no. 1 (2023 Series)
    The Devil That Wears My Face no. 2 (2023 Series)

    Dynamite Entertainment

    Disney Villains: Hades no. 4 (2023 Series)
    Pathfinder: Wake the Dead no. 4 (2023 Series)

    Boom Studios

    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers no. 114 (2016 Series)
    The Expanse: Dragon Tooth no. 7 (2023 Series)

    Blood Moon Comics

    Gunbreed no. 3 (2023 Series)
    The Accursed no. 1 (2023 Series) (MR)

    Artists Writers and Artisans Inc

    The Ribbon Queen no. 5 (2023 Series) (MR)

    Ahoy Comics

    Con and On no. 5 (2023 Series) (MR)

View New Comics This week

View New Comics Last week

Comic Back Issues

    Back Issue Comics :

    DC Comics

    Chase (1998) Complete Bundle - Used
    Darkstars (1992) no. 0 - Used
    Doctor Fate (1988) no. 36 - Used
    Fate (1994) no. 0 - Used
    Green Lantern (1990) no. 0 - Used
    Legionnaires (1993) no. 1 - Used
    New Teen Titans (1984) no. 0 - Used
    New Teen Titans (1984) no. 76 - Used
    Outsiders (1993) no. 0 - Used
    Rebels (1994) no. 0 - Used
    Superman Kal (1995) One Shot (Prestige format) - Used
    Swamp Thing (1982) no. 130 - Used
    The Flash (1987) no. 231 - Used
    The Flash (1987) no. 232 - Used
    The Flash (1987) no. 233 - Used
    The Flash (1987) no. 234 - Used
    The Flash (1987) no. 235 - Used
    The Flash (1987) no. 236 - Used
    Vigilante (1983) no. 19 - Used
    Vigilante (1983) no. 34 - Used
    Vigilante (1983) no. 9 - Used


    Astonishing X-Men (2004) no. 16 - Used
    Astonishing X-Men (2004) no. 17 - Used
    Avengers Undercover (2014) no. 5 - Used
    Avengers Undercover (2014) no. 6 - Used
    Dark Avengers (2009) no. 11 - Used
    Dark Avengers (2009) no. 14 - Used
    Dark Avengers (2009) no. 6 - Used
    Dark Avengers (2009) no. 9 - Used
    Deadpool (1997) no. 63 - Used
    Deadpool (1997) no. 64 - Used
    Deadpool (1997) no. 65 - Used
    Deadpool (1997) no. 66 - Used
    Deadpool (1997) no. 67 - Used
    Deadpool (1997) no. 68 - Used
    Extraordinary X-Men (2015) no. 5 - Used
    Extraordinary X-Men (2015) no. 6 - Used
    Extraordinary X-Men (2015) no. 7 - Used
    Extraordinary X-Men (2015) no. 8 - Used
    Iron Man (1968) no. 157 - Used
    Iron Man (1968) no. 163 - Used
    Iron Man (1968) no. 166 - Used
    Iron Man (1968) no. 169 - Used
    Iron Man (1968) no. 172 - Used
    Iron Man (1968) no. 173 - Used
    Iron Man (1968) no. 178 - Used
    Iron Man (1968) no. 37 - Used
    Iron Man (1968) no. 64 - Used
    Iron Man (1968) no. 70 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) 2000 Annual - Used
    Mutant X (1998) 99 Annual - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 1 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 10 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 11 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 12 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 13 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 14 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 15 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 16 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 17 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 18 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 19 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 2 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 20 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 21 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 22 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 23 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 24 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 25 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 26 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 27 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 28 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 29 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 3 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 30 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 31 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 32 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 4 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 5 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 6 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 7 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 8 - Used
    Mutant X (1998) no. 9 - Used
    New Avengers (2005) no. 29 - Used
    New Avengers (2005) no. 30 - Used
    Spider-Man Vs Dracula (1994) (One Shot) - Used
    Ultimate Fantastic Four (2004) no. 40 - Used
    Venom (2003) no. 2 - Used
    Venom (2003) no. 4 - Used
    Venom (2003) no. 5 - Used
    Venom: First Host (2018) Complete Bundle - Used
    Warheads (1992) no. 7 - Used
    Wolverine (2013) no. 11 - Used
    Wolverine (2013) no. 13 - Used
    Wolverine (2013) no. 4 - Used
    Wolverine (2013) no. 5 - Used
    Wolverine (2013) no. 6 - Used
    Wolverine (2014) no. 4 - Used
    Wolverine (2014) no. 7 - Used
    Wolverines (2014) no. 4 - Used
    X-Men Vs Dracula (1993) (One Shot) - Used

    Dark Horse Comics

    Godzilla King of Monsters (1995) no. 12 - Used

    Vertigo Comics

    Sandman Presents Petrefax (2000) Complete Bundle - Used

    Frank Miller Presents LLC

    Fray (2001) Complete Bundle - Used

    Avatar Press Inc.

    Cinema Purgatorio (2016) (MR) Starter Bundle - Used

View Back Issues New Series

Comic Keys Recently Added

Deadpool (1997) no. 65 - Used
Deadpool (1997) no. 68 - Used
Spawn (1992) no. 37 - Used
The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) no. 132 - Used
Thor (1966) no. 412 - Used
Silver Surfer (1987) no. 37 - Used
Spawn (1992) no. 1 - Used
Spawn (1992) no. 4 - Used
The Amazing Spider-man (1963) no. 293 - Used
The Amazing Spider-man (1963) no. 344 - Used
Planetary Batman: Night on Earth (2003) Prestige Format - Used
Detective Comics (1937) no. 583 - Used

View Comic Keys Online

Graphic Novels Just Arrived

New, Used, Hardcovers, Trade Paperbacks, Manga, Children and young reader books, graphic novels.

Love Murder Basketball GN (MR)
Black Box Chronicles GN (MR)
Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief GN
Ink Girls GN
Minecraft Omnibus Volume 1 TP
Batman: Harley and Ivy TP
Grendel: Devil By The Deed Masters Edition HC
Ennead Volume 1 GN (MR)
Lonely Castle in the Mirror Volume 1 GN
Origin Volume 1 GN
Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 Part 1: Volume 3 TP

Graphic Novels Arrivals :

    New Arrivals :

    DC Comics

    Batman Vs. Superman: The Greatest Battles TP - Used
    Batman: Collected Legends of the Dark Knight TP - Used
    Batman: Harley and Ivy TP
    The Essential Batman Encyclopedia HC - Used


    Danny Ketch Ghost Rider: Blood and Vengeance TP
    Daredevil and Echo TP
    Deadpool By Alyssa Wong Volume 2 TP
    Generation X: Volume 1: Natural Selection TP - Used
    Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 Part 1: Volume 3 TP
    X-Men Milestones: Mutant Massacre TP - Used

    Dark Horse Comics

    Grendel: Devil By The Deed Masters Edition HC
    Minecraft Omnibus Volume 1 TP
    Norse Mythology Volume 2 HC - Used

    Image Comics

    Parasocial HC - Used

    Vertical Comics

    Origin Volume 1 GN


    Love Murder Basketball GN (MR)

    Ten Speed Press

    I am Stan TP

    Square Enix

    SINoALICE Volume 5 GN

    Seven Seas Entertainment

    Ennead Volume 1 GN (MR)
    Lonely Castle in the Mirror Volume 1 GN


    Red Harvest: The Terror Famine in Soviet Ukraine GN

    Magnetic Press

    Black Box Chronicles GN (MR)


    Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief GN

    Greenwillow Books

    Ink Girls GN

    DK Publishing CO

    How to Train Your Pokemon HC

    Chartwell Books

    Superman: The War Years Volume 2 1938-1945 HC - USED

    Restocks :

    DC Comics

    Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again - Used
    Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Volume 1 TP
    Batwoman: Elegy TP - Used


    All New X-Men: Volume 1: Ghosts of Cyclops TP - Used

    Image Comics

    Superpatriot: America's Fighting Force TP - Used

    Seven Seas Entertainment

    Who Made Me a Princess Volume 1 GN

    Kodansha Comics

    Shaman King: Flowers Volume 1 GN

    Dynamite Entertainment

    The Boys: Volume One: The Name of The Game - Used

View Graphic Novels Just Arrived

View Manga Just Arrived

View Children Books Just Arrived.

Both new arrivals and restocked manga series were brought in and up on the shelves in the store. Stop by and check them out today.

Children's Comics and Graphic novels - new books brought in weekly in the store.

Wednesdays and Saturdays are GOB's Retro Action Figures Buying Days

We buy other used goodies 7 days a week.

GOB Retail is now buying Retro Toys, Action Figures and Statues

Buying Days: at GOB Clawson, Mi
  • Wednesdays 2pm to 9pm
  • Saturdays 2pm to 9pm.

You can get Cash or Store Credit for a wide variety of older toys, action figures and statues. Here at the start we are looking for specific toy and action figure lines and not everything, though the list of items we may accept will be expanding over time.

    GI-Joe Action Figures 3.75 Inch/Vehicles (1982-1994)
    GI-Joe Action Figures 3.75 Inch (2020 Retro Series)
    Transformers Generation 1 (1984 - 1993)
    Transformers (Transformers Collection Series)(2020) Book Box)
    Transformers Masterpiece Series (2003 onward)
    Transformers Generations (2008 onward)
    Transformers Vintage (2018)
    Masters of the Universe (1981-1987)
    He-Man (Waves 1-3) (1989-1991) No wave 4.
    EXO Squad / Robotech 7" figures.
    Matchbox's 1985-1989 3.75" Robotech Figures. Plus Zentradi, Invid and Robotech figures and mech.
    Robotech Transformable Veritech Fighters (w pilot)
    CM Mospeada/Robotech Figure Line (2008)
    Star Wars (Kenner) Action Figures and vehicles/playsets (1978-1993)
    Star Wars Micro Collection (Die cast) Figures and Playsets (1982)
    Star Wars (Retro) and (Black) Figure Series (2019-2020)
    Star Wars Rogue One (2016) Figure Series
    Star Wars Resistance (2017) Figure Series
    Star Wars Rebels Saga Legends (2014) Figure Series
    Star Wars Legends (2013-2014) Figure Series
    Voltron (lions and vehicles) Transformable Figure Sets
    Marvel Legends Action Figures
    Marvel Select Action Figures
    DC Icons Action Figures
    DC Essentials Action Figures


We will entertain buying previously owned statues or dioramas on a case by case basis. In the box is better, but also loose one that is still complete (aka, no lost parts, limbs, chipped paint, etc). Must be for superhero, sci-fi, fantasy or anime/manga franchises. We can not accept pre-owned statues that have collected and retained a layer of dust on them. Or cat hair.

As with all trade ins, the better condition and more complete and item it, the better chance we can take it and/or the more we will be able to pay for it.


Please bring in any of the above items to for cash or store credit only on the days and times listed above. No staff will be able to buy/trade for these items on days and times not listed above. You can get same day cash or store credit for your trade ins with the following exception. Same day cash is limited to $200 and cash trade in above $200 will have the balance above $200 given in the form of a company check. There is no limit on store credit trade ins.

We cannot appraise your items. We can only offer what we are willing to pay for them. Bare in mind, we are the wholesale option. Where you can sell it all at once and get paid right away without doing individual listings and shipments for each piece, garage sales or other methods to try and attain market value. We will be attempting to sell them for something akin to market value ourselves. We save you the trouble.

We can only evaluate and make an offer on items while you are in the store. We cannot hold onto the items to price them out while you are gone with an intent to come back later. If you leave prior to selling items to GOB, you must take your items with you. Items left behind can only be considered abandoned.

Once an item or items are sold, the sale is final. GOB is not a pawn shop and we cannot lend money with items as a retainer.

Thanks for considering us for your no-longer used toys and figures. We will do our best to find new homes for them while getting you value for them right away.

Funko Pops:

GOB also buys assortments of Funko Pops, but only those that fit our approximate audiences. Super hero, fantasy, sci-fi and assorted anime and pop culture themed Pops. You can read about selling us Funko Pops here:

GOB buys your used goods. Cash, store credit options are available on the spot.

Buying these 7 days a week.

    - Graphic Novels
    - Comic Long Box Collections
    - Role Playing
    - Magic the Gathering Bulk Collections
    - Magic the Gathering Singles
    - Board Games Pre-owned Consignment
    - Funko Pop Figures

Buying these at the below days and times.

Buying Days at GOB Clawson, Mi

- Wednesdays 2pm to 9pm
- Saturdays 2pm to 9pm.
    - Retro Toys, Action Figures and Statues
    - Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and Other Old Trading Card Games
    - D&Ds minis, Star Wars, Pathfinder Pre-painted and Unpainted figures for Role Playing
    - HeroClix, MageKnight, Battletech, Mechwarrior Figs

Please bring your used goods to:

GOB Retail Games, Comics and Pop Culture
775 E 14 Mile Rd, Clawson MI 48017

Full details for GOB's Buy Lists Online :

Large Collections

If you have a large collection of used goodies to sell or trade-in. Recommend to email us first and we can set a time slot for you to bring your goodies in and we can go through all the used items quickly for you.

Email to

In the email details, please let us know approximately how many, what items and your phone number to contact you back.

GOB Game Library - Weekly New Games Added

New Board and Card Games have been added weekly. 240+ games are available for everyone to play in the GOB Game Room (Free) or Rent out. Games may be rented for up to 5 days (not counting the day you rent it) for fairly nominal amounts, which will be $3, $5, $7 or $10 depending on the size and cost of the game. The library will contain a mixture of new games and it will keep some well loved now out of print games as a means to keep them available to you. Up to 2 games may be rented at the same time.

Better yet! When you return your rental, if you found you really liked it, you can buy a new copy and we'll discount that new copy the amount you paid for the rental. So you can use the renting library as a try it before you buy it service.

GOB Renting Library Annual Memberships

Think you might want to rent games more than a few time. You can get an Annual Library Membership for $75 or with 1,200 GOB Gamer Rewards Points. Benefits of A Library Membership :

- Free 24 Renting Games per year (2 games per month)

- No deposit required on the games you rent.

Full details, visit :

GOB Board Games Kiosk

in-store and Online Available

You can search Board and Card Games (new, Consignment, Pre-owned), Puzzles by Name, Keyword, Number of players, Time play, Ages Recommendation, Section or theme. GOB in-store Kiosk is available in the Board Game department in the store. For Online, please visit :

Buy Games, Comics, Graphic Novels, Dice, Gaming and Comic Supplies, Pop Culture Collectibles...and Get FREE stuff !

GOB Rewards Details :

GOB Rewards Account Benefits :

Refer friends to GOB :

Tell your friends about GOB and he/she gets a Free 7-dice set or comics for first time customers with a purchase of $25 or more. You also get extra 10% on-going GOB Reward Points from your friend's transactions.

Get Cash, GOB Store Credit for Used Goodies

Turn your no longer played games, no longer read graphic novels, Funko, comic long box collections into cash or GOB store credit Today. Get cash on the spot or exchange for another 180,000+ your favorites in stock in the store.

GOB buys all ranges of used merchandise, Please visit Buy Page for full lists :

Please bring merchandise to sell for cash or trade in for store credit to:

GOB Retail Game, Comic and Pop Culture

775 E. 14 Mile Rd, Clawson MI 48017

GOB Gift Cards - In store and Online Available

GOB Gift Cards are Available in the store and online. It can be used toward ALL merchandise in the store : Hobby Games, Comics, Graphic Novels, Pop Culture and Collectibles. It's Starting just $10. Great Gift for Christmas, Birthday, Graduation and other important days of your family, friends and loved ones.

Please visit GOB Gift Card Page for details here:

You can order Online and Pick it up in the store or ship to your home or gift card receiver's address with flat rate $2 shipping.

GOB Game Room - Open 7 days a week

The GOB game room is a large space. Tables for Tabletop gaming, board games, role playing games, trading card games. 2 soft sofa sets for comfort. GOB Open Game Library for Free games to play and try out.

Check out GOB Private Game Room - Available Today.

GOB Private Game Room Details:

Join our team

GOB is adding more team members. Full-time retail associates. Experience in hobby games, reading comics, graphic novels, familiar with Pop Culture is a Plus. Submit your job application Online here:

Bonus $5 for you and your friend @ GOB

You can get a $5 store credit for each full $100 worth of used goods you sell / trade to GOB. If you refer a friend with this coupon, when your friend sells / trades amounts of $100 or more and gets a bonus $5 for each $100 your friend sells to GOB, you will also get a $5 store credit for having referred them.

Download the invitation here.

Special Vendors Program @ GOB

Have you known locally vendors who produce and sell items listed below? Please let them know about GOB's Special Vendors Events.

It's a partnership program. GOB provides a space in our game room, vendors bring items to put for sale when GOB organizes the events. No cost for tables for displaying their products. A wonderful venue to reach gamers, comics, graphic novels and pop culture audiences. Holidays are coming. GOB is looking to host "Special Vendors" events in November and December.

    Locally vendors who produce:

    Assorted Pop Culture nick nacks
    3D Printed Minis, Game Accessories, etc.
    Special crafts
    Used Miniatures (Warhammer and others) we don't buy/sell normally
    Painted Miniatures
    Indie Comic Publishers
    Fantasy/Sci Fi/Pop Culture artists with Prints/Merchandise

    Full program details, please see below.

Michigan's Largest game store, with nearly 200,000 games, comics and pop culture merchandise wants to bring even more unique items to our customers. This is your chance to sell your own unique goods to our customers.

GOB Retail is looking for Special Vendors that are interested in selling their goods at periodic events to be held at GOB Retail in Clawson, MI.

What is a Special Vendor?

A special vendor is a person or company that has unique merchandise to sell that is not typically stocked and sold inside GOB Retail currently, and which may be of interest to GOB's customers. That may mean a direct association with things game, comic or pop culture related. This is a newer program, so we are leaving it open to broad interpretation at this time.

How it Works:

GOB has a large game room adjacent to its retail floor space. We have reconfigured it so a series of tables closest to the retail floor can be used for our special vendors to set up their items for sale. Purchase tickets are generated by the vendor and the customer brings the items with the purchase ticket to ring up at the GOB checkout stations. The special vendor and GOB split the proceeds. Sort of like vending at a convention or fair, but you handle the selling and we process the sale.


We do not have established dates and times currently. This will likely be vendor specific. If a special vendor with a large enough catalog of merchandise approaches us and we believe that catalog and type of goods would be a large enough draw for our customers, we may schedule a special vendor event with just that vendor. Otherwise, it may require bringing several special vendors together under a themed event before we can schedule a special vendor event. Generally these events will be held on a Saturday afternoon, approx 1pm to 8pm or so.

What Types of Merchandise

We are open to considering a wide range of items that we believe may be of interest to our customers. It has to be merchandise we do not stock currently, though it may be possible with a strong special event showing we could consider entering a regular vendor relationship and stocking your items moving forward. Below is just a short list of potential merchandise. It is far from an exhaustive list.

    Assorted Pop Culture nick nacks
    3D Printed Minis, Game Accessories, etc.
    Special crafts
    Used Miniatures (Warhammer and others) we don't buy/sell normally
    Painted Miniatures
    Indie Comic Publishers
    Fantasy/Sci Fi/Pop Culture artists with Prints/Merchandise

There are, of course, a myriad of things we have not thought of or considered yet. Let's get the conversation started. Please e-mail:

Titled: Special Vendor

Please include the following:

1) A description of the type of merchandise you would like to vend.
2) Some pictures or website reference with pictures, etc
3) A little info about yourself and/or your company. The kind of stuff we could use when promoting your presence and product when marketing the special event.
4) A phone number and suitable times to call.

If you have used goods to sell, please check the GOB Retail buying pages. Many used items like role-playing books, comics, graphic novels, Funko Pops and magic cards and more are things that GOB would buy directly and would not be material for a special vendor arrangement.

Pokemon Trade and Play Day

See full details here:

View Pokemon Products:

Bring your Board Games for GOB Consignment

Greetings Boardgamers,

Just a quick reminder about GOB's Board and card game consignment program. The holidays season is opening and if you have board games sitting around not getting played, you can get them up for sale here in GOB through our consignment program and turn them into store credit when they sell.

The holidays bring a magnitude more foot traffic and shoppers looking for a wider variety of games, from hard to find, out of print, special versions or just a bargain or two and your pre-owned board and card games might be just what they are looking for. Bring your consignments in now to take advantage of the best time of year to get them sold.

Not familiar with GOB's board game consignment program? Here is a quick link:

Happy Holidays everyone.

GOB Retail.

GOB Holidays Wishlist - Available in store starting Today.

GOB Holidays Wishlist is now Available in store.

Greetings gamers, comics, graphic novels and pop culture collectibles Fans,

GOB Holidays Wishlist is now Available in store. Stop by and create your own Wishlist today - Help your family and friends shop for you. Fill out a GOB wish list and let us take care of connecting your shoppers with the things you are looking for. When filling out your wish list, make sure to provide us with as much detail as possible. Don't be shy if you need help looking up a title. List which games, books, the series, issues numbers, or Pop Culture items you wish to have on this Holiday. GOB brings in multiple shipments weekly for the best chance at having the holiday Gifts you want. Wish lists sheets are available at the check-out counter. Please ask an associate.

Happy Holidays everyone.

GOB Retail

Happy Gaming, Reading, and Collecting everyone !

GOB Retail - Games, Comics and Pop Culture

Michigan's Largest Games and Comics Store

775 E. 14 Mile Rd, Clawson MI 48017

11.30 am - 9 pm

Tuesdays - Saturdays:
11.30 am - 10 pm

11.30 am - 8 pm

Quick Links to GOB Retail

GOB Events:
GOB News Online:
GOB Inventory Online:
Weekly Products Spotlights:
Sell your Board Games:
Get Cash, GOB Store Credit:
Free Dice Sets, Comics:
Refer friends and get Bonuses:
Board Game Rental & Library:
Gamers Looking for gamers Facebook Group:

GOB Board Games Rental & Library

GOB Children Recreation Guide

GOB Rewards Account Benefits

GOB Retail - Michigan's Largest Game and Comic Store
A large 7,900 Sq ft store with 186,871 Games, Comics and Pop Culture Collectibles. Leading the nation in Board and Card games with over 7000 titles. Huge selection of comics and graphic novels, Games Workshop and Warhammer 40k, Citadel, Funko Pops and much more, PLUS a LARGE Gaming Space Available for you. Open 7 days a week. Come check us out or browse our Real Time Inventory online.

Please share GOB's services with your family and friends.

When your family and friends stop by, they will put your name or GOB Reward Number as the person who invited them to GOB. You will receive Bonus on-going GOB Reward points 10% of your friends' purchases, Bonus $5 when your family and friends sell or trade each $100 worth of used goods, sell / trade more, earn more $5s Bonus. GOB organizes weekly, special in-store events regularly.

Please share with your friends and family:

For new GOB customers, you get a bonus Free 7-dice set with $25 purchase, get both 7-dice set and dice bag with $50 purchase.

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Back to GOB Main Page

Total Views : 140

 Copyright © 2025 Guild of Blades Retail Group. All Rights Reserved.

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